Jan-Jaap Verweij (Jacob’s Farm) on KNZ licks

Dutch dairy farmer Jan-Jaap Verweij has 55 dairy cows that are milked with the help of a milking robot. He says, "A lick is a nice addition for animals that need it."

The ideal amount

Jan-Jaap previously experimented with salt/vitamin boluses but soon realized it was not necessary. "It may have even been too much." The concentrate feed that the cows receive contains minerals and vitamins. "We offer licks to the cows that have extra needs. With licks, you don't have to worry about them getting too much. Additionally, putting out a lick is much easier than administering boluses."

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First needs after milking

Jan-Jaap strategically placed the licks at the exit of the milking robot, next to the water trough. "After milking, cows first need enough water and can then take a few licks of the salt block. They have a need for it," Jan-Jaap observes. The cows use one block for about 5-6 days. In winter, this often goes even faster at Jacob's Farm.

"You don't have to worry about them getting too much with KNZ licks."

Always provided with salt

Jan-Jaap temporarily didn't offer licks and noticed that the cows still had a need for it. After the licks were put back, the cows used them at a rapid pace. To prevent the cows from running out, Jan-Jaap now always puts two licks in the barn.

Jan-Jaap believes it's important for his cows to feel good and to receive the minerals and vitamins they need in a natural way. Licks are a nice way to contribute to this. "Besides, it's still a beautiful sight to see a cow indulge in a lick."