More than 100 years experience in producing the best quality

KNZ™ licks are produced by Hengelo Salt Specialties B.V. The brand name KNZ™ came from the abbreviation of the first Royal Dutch Salt factory (Koninklijke Nederlandse Zoutindustrie) founded in 1918 in the Netherlands. KNZ™ is a worldwide well-known brand, focusing on free choice and quality.
Perfect amount of salt for each animal
Free choice means that we do not put artificial components in our licks, like sweeteners. So animals are not tempted to take more than necessary and will take exactly the amount of additional salt they need.
Best quality
The high quality starts at the source. The salt is extracted in the Dutch area, thanks to a well controlled process and evaporation we can make licks from very pure (vacuum) salt. The sourcing for the minerals and vitamins are strict reliable and have the certificate of GMP. KNZ licks are more resistant and durable under all conditions, both in the barn and on pasture. We use our knowledge and over 100 years of experience in pressing techniques to produce the high quality licks that meet our own high standards.